Blog , page 8

Biotech data visualization tools: is it worth turning to customization?

Let’s explore different biotech data visualization tools and see how they stack up to customizable data visualization services.
Data Visualization

Speaking through data

Business leaders and decision-makers now have a wealth of data at their fingertips, which they can use to track and forecast their organizations’ performance. There is a difference, though, between having data and being able to communicate it.
Data VisualizationDesign

Touch-based user interfaces usability study

This post examines touch-based user interfaces from a variety of industries and the extent to which their design adheres to or violates fundamental UI principles.
UI DesignTouch Screens

Data-driven healthcare transformation: where do B2B go from here?

Healthcare organizations live in an era of unprecedented data abundance and aggregation. The healthcare industry generates more than 30% of the world’s data volume. And that figure is expected to grow faster than any other industry.

5 key points of data-driven application infrastructure

Moving toward a data-driven approach? Learn what a data-driven application infrastructure must include and what challenges to get ready for.

How to create a winning B2B SaaS product strategy?

In the SaaS industry, sellers had all the leverage back in the day. Few vendors were offering specific software-as-a-service solutions, and buyers had few options to choose from. Things changed as SaaS companies became a dime a dozen.